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ALP Landing Page for: ESOL Level 4

Instructor:  Meghan McBain

Meeting Times:

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

09:30 am - 12:30 pm (AM)

06:00 pm - 09:00 pm (PM)

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone:  (434) 362-0669





Class Notes: 

This is a lower intermediate ESOL course. Classes

will be held virtually through Zoom. I am available to

speak outside of class if you need any support. Feel

free to reach out via text or email, and we can set

up an appointment.

Course Syllabus:

Unit 1

Welcome/Who Are We?:

Who are we as individuals? Who are we as a class? How can we learn more about one another and establish a good learning environment?


Unit 2

Community/Civic Engagement:

What is a community? What is in our community? How do we participate in our community?


Unit 3


What contributes to our well-being? What do we need to feel safe, healthy, and

cared for?


Unit 4


What is nutrition? What types of foods are good for us? How can we access nutritious foods?



Unit 5

Civil Rights and Women’s Rights:

What are civil rights? How have women fought for rights? How do we advocate for ourselves?


Unit 6


What is power? Who has power? How can and do people empower themselves?


Unit 7


What is truth? How can we determine what is true and accurate? What is our responsibility for determining and telling the truth?

Course Rubric:

  • Listening

3. Good - shows clear understanding when participating in longer conversations, can identify main ideas in oral presentations and conversations, and extract details from statements on a familiar topic

2. Fair - shows understanding when participating in short conversations, can identify main ideas in oral presentations and conversations
1. Needs improvement - has begun to participate in short conversations with support

  • Speaking

3. Good - proficient at participating in longer conversations, asking and responding to questions, expressing opinions, and presenting information orally with little support

2. Fair - able to participate in conversations, beginning to ask and respond to questions, and presenting information orally with some support

1. Needs improvement - minimal participation in class conversations and presentations, with considerable support

  • Reading

3. Good - excels at reading information, identifying and retelling main ideas from text, and recognizing the reasons of an author in an argument

2. Fair - recognizes features of English text and is familiar with a number of frequently occurring nouns, verbs, and phrases; uses information gained from visuals to support comprehension

1. Needs improvement - has begun to recognize basic features of English text with support

  • Writing

3. Good - excels at writing down information, is able to complete a cohesive paragraph in English, and is able to start producing both creative and informational texts

2. Fair - can write down simple information as well as short and descriptive personal texts

1. Needs improvement - able to write down basic information with support the from teacher

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